I can’t say that it was unexpected. Though, it has been painful to dealing with all the inconveniences, the results of COVID and it’s sudden effects it had brought to us was shocking. I feel sad for all those people who are suffering in state of frozenness.

What am I learning from this situation? What’s the lesson that I am supposed to learn? Is there a silver lining for me? What can I let go of so that I won’t hold fear in my heart space? Is there anything I can learn and adopt in my life to become a better person with this crisis? What ways that I can connect with people? How can I help those in need? These are all valid questions that will allow us to move forward in our lives.

One thing that seem to come in my mind, repeatedly, is to forgive. Forgive myself of feeling afraid of unknown future. Change is inevitable! Everything that we thought we have acquired, or we thought we know are becoming useless in this changes. Imagine, a whole new world is being born, now. Therefore, forgiving all the situations, and all the people who may have hurt us is good idea to do it now. Let us travel light with head up high instead of carrying all the burdens of the past. So, let forgiving starts now. It doesn’t matter one way or another, to carry stuff on our shoulders won’t accomplish anything. Let us learn how to transform ourselves into a being of lightness by using COVID, now. It’s an opportunity for bringing metamorphosis into our lives. Let us embody our spirit into ourselves, and emerge into Fifth dimensional beings, that we are becoming!
